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J'ai vidé le cache, change rien.
Testé avec firefox 3.0.10 et IE6.
5h25 - 5h30 fr
Dernière modification par Umaro (27-05-2009 05:32:53)
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idem ce matin... 7:30h
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Pareil pour moi, a 6h comme à 8h30
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the same, 10h00
Enfin j'imagine que le bug concerne tout le monde, là
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ouaip, désolé, j'ai corrigé ca, j'ai merdé un truc hier soir en allant me coucher...
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J'avais le même soucis ce matin, mais là apparemment ça remarche, j'ai pu attaquer et un ami pareillement.
[Edit] : Grillé ^^;
Dernière modification par The Kâ Master (27-05-2009 10:26:31)
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Nouveau souci, j'ai ça qui apparait lorsque j'ouvre la page d'accès.
Notice: Undefined index: logued in /home/arkhan/include/globals/globals_pack_graphique.inc.php on line 43
Notice: Undefined index: logued in /home/arkhan/public_html/index.php on line 159
Notice: Undefined index: pseudo in /home/arkhan/public_html/index.php on line 169
Notice: Undefined index: PackGraphique in /home/arkhan/public_html/index.php on line 227
Notice: Undefined index: charte_save in /home/arkhan/public_html/index.php on line 327
Notice: Undefined index: regles_save in /home/arkhan/public_html/index.php on line 327
Notice: Undefined index: background_save in /home/arkhan/public_html/index.php on line 327
Notice: Undefined variable: include_css_profil in /home/arkhan/include/html_header.inc.php on line 6
Notice: Undefined variable: include_css_map in /home/arkhan/include/html_header.inc.php on line 16
Notice: Undefined index: erreur_login in /home/arkhan/public_html/index.php on line 355
Notice: Undefined index: logued in /home/arkhan/public_html/index.php on line 365
Notice: Undefined index: bad_login in /home/arkhan/public_html/index.php on line 378
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S'inscrire/Password perdu?
Notice: Undefined index: type_menu in /home/arkhan/include/menu.inc.php on line 33
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Notice: Undefined index: logued in /home/arkhan/include/menu_joueurs.inc.php on line 58
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Notice: Undefined index: admin in /home/arkhan/include/menu_joueurs.inc.php on line 129
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